This book is an homage to the stories of women I have always admired. 'Nüshu’, literally translated as ‘women’s writing’, was a writing system developed by peasant women in isolated parts of China. The Chinese society in the 9th Century prevented women from education and had little freedom. These women developed ‘Nüshu’ to communicate with each other and speak of their hardships, empowering them for the first time in their lives. This unique writing system was their way of penetrating the patriarchal structure that contained them through a script that only women could understand. Each page of this book explores a different element of the Nüshu story through the use of expressive typography.
Planning spreads
Interviews of design students. Transcripts from the interviews are the main body of the publication.
Type experiments
Playing with the poems on printed paper and physically contorting the lettering to express the emotional constriction the women felt.
Planning paper cut outs
Playing with layouts and paper cutouts to represent the typographic axis each Nüshu letter used.